This report was build with JSLint, the JavaScript Verifier. JSLint is a JavaScript program that looks for problems in other JavaScript programs.
Here is the list of files in this report:
Lint at line 67 character 86: Line breaking error ')'. var borderW = parseInt(jQuery('#' + this.config.mapDiv).css('borderLeftWidth'), 10) Lint at line 69 character 85: Line breaking error ')'. var borderH = parseInt(jQuery('#' + this.config.mapDiv).css('borderTopWidth'), 10) Lint at line 187 character 18: Line breaking error ''. var aToggle = '' Lint at line 189 character 99: Line breaking error 'OpenLayers'. aToggle += === 'topografie' ? OpenLayers.i18n('KEY_TOGGLE_BASEMAP_LUFO') : OpenLayers Lint at line 196 character 26: Line breaking error ''. var aToggleMapSize = '' Lint at line 367 character 26: Missing radix parameter. if (_map.getZoom() < parseInt(wmsConfig.zoom)) Lint at line 367 character 50: Line breaking error ')'. if (_map.getZoom() < parseInt(wmsConfig.zoom)) Lint at line 368 character 6: Expected '{' and instead saw '_map'. _map.zoomTo(wmsConfig.zoom); Lint at line 445 character 87: Line breaking error ')'. var borderW = parseInt(jQuery('#' + this.config.mapDiv).css('borderLeftWidth'), 10) Lint at line 447 character 86: Line breaking error ')'. var borderH = parseInt(jQuery('#' + this.config.mapDiv).css('borderTopWidth'), 10)
No problems found
No problems found
No problems found
No problems found
Lint at line 43 character 16: 'tooltip' is already defined. var tooltip = document.createElement("span");
No problems found
Lint at line 92 character 11: Use '===' to compare with 'null'. if (evt == null) { Lint at line 103 character 74: Line breaking error '&FORMAT=image%2Fpng'. var legendUrl = lyr.url + '?SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic' + '&FORMAT=image%2Fpng' Lint at line 104 character 85: Line breaking error ']'. + '&WIDTH=36&HEIGHT=36' + '&LAYER=' + wmsLyrs[i] + '&STYLE=' + wmsLyrStyles[i] Lint at line 106 character 90: Line breaking error ' ('. newHtml += '![]()
No problems foundOverviewMap.js
No problems found